Week of: Monday, April 13th, 2015
Courtesy of:University of Oxford researchers have found that individuals who are prone to high anxiety have a more difficult time reading the environmental cues that may help them avoid a bad outcome. Participants played a computerized "two-armed bandit-style" game in which they chose between two shapes, one of which, if selected, would deliver a mild to moderate electrical shock. To avoid getting shocked, participants needed to keep track of the shape that most frequently delivered electrical jolts. The researchers noted that highly anxious people had more trouble than their less anxious counterparts adjusting to avoid shocks. Study lead author Dr. Sonia Bishop writes, "Our results show that anxiety may be linked to difficulty in using information about whether the situations we face daily, including relationship dynamics, are stable or not, and deciding how to react."
Nature Neuroscience, March 2015
In the past year, it's estimated that one in five girls and one in ten boys fell victim to either dating-related physical or sexual abuse. The researchers find these numbers to be both high and very troubling and add that these victims also have a higher risk for suicidal behavior, bullying, risky sexual behavior, and substance use. Lead author Dr. Kevin Vagi adds, "Parents and caregivers can help shape the relationship decisions that teens make by talking early about healthy and unhealthy relationships, and the need for respect."
JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015
Three large prospective studies have discovered that a diet high in nuts is linked to greater longevity. Researchers found that those who ate the most nuts were 17-21% less likely to die during the 5-12 years they followed-up with study participants. They add, "We found consistent evidence that high nut/peanut consumption was associated with a reduced risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality."
JAMA Internal Medicine, March 2015
Research involving 300 abdominally obese adults investigated the effects of short, high-intensity exercise versus long, low-intensity workouts. Both types of workouts resulted in similar weight loss after 24 weeks, but the high-intensity group also experienced a reduction in blood glucose levels in the hours following their workout. The results show a clear benefit for engaging in high-intensity workouts, especially for those who wish to more effectively manage their blood sugar levels. Lead study author Dr. Robert Ross explains, "Higher intensity can be achieved simply by increasing the incline while walking on a treadmill or walking at a brisker pace."
Annals of Internal Medicine, March 2015
Dizziness is a common risk factor for falls among the elderly. After reviewing past literature, studies, and clinical trials, the authors of a new report conclude that chiropractic manipulation may have a role in the prevention of falls in elderly who suffer from mechanical pain or dysfunction and non-specific dizziness.
Journal of Canadian Chiropractic Association, March 2015
Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland believe that checking children for growth problems may help indentify those with celiac disease much faster. They found that screening children for five height- and weight-related differences in growth is an effective strategy for spotting those with celiac disease, as girls in the study with the disorder were below-average in height two years before their diagnosis and the boys in the study were below-average in height just one year before diagnosis. The research team writes, "Growth failure remains an early and common feature in patients with celiac disease and an up-to-date growth reference and well-established growth-monitoring program could facilitate the early diagnosis of celiac disease."
JAMA Pediatrics, March 2015
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Ryan Jeffery, D.C.
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