Week of: Monday, August 7th, 2017
Courtesy of:Surveys completed by more than 200 adults reveal that when couples have a disagreement, men and women want different things from their partner before they make up. The data show that women prefer heart-felt apologies and quality time while men prefer a kind gesture. These findings may allow couples to better understand how to effectively apologize to their partner.
Evolutionary Psychological Science, July 2017
A new study suggests that both taller and heavier men have a greater risk of getting and dying from aggressive prostate cancer. An analysis of data concerning nearly 142,000 men indicates that for every additional four inches of height (10.16 cm), a man’s risk of being diagnosed with high-risk prostate cancer increases by 21%. Furthermore, for every four inch (10.16 cm) increase in waist circumference, his odds of developing aggressive prostate cancer increase by 13% and the risk of dying from prostate cancer increases by 18%. Lead researcher Dr. Aurora Perez-Cornago believes that results of the study will help persuade men to achieve a healthy weight, as well as encourage public health policies to prevent obesity.
BMC Medicine, July 2017
Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl, which can get into food from packaging and equipment used in manufacturing. Past research has linked these chemicals to birth defects in boys and learning and behavior problems in older children. According to a new report, investigators tested cheese products and found that all ten varieties of macaroni and cheese they examined had high levels of phthalates, even those marketed as organic.
The New York Times, July 2017
People who have knee pain are often tempted to rest instead of exercise; however, regular exercise can help strengthen the knees and ease pain. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons recommends: start exercising slowly and increase repetitions or weights as you get stronger; some discomfort is normal, pain isn't, so stop if you feel pain; don't push yourself so hard that you're in pain the next day; and consult with a therapist or doctor about how often to exercise and the types of exercise you should perform.
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, July 2017
Norwegian researchers report that teenagers with pain in multiple body sites have an elevated risk for life-affecting health problems during young adulthood. In this study, researchers followed 3,987 teens for an average of eight years and found a positive relationship between the number of pain sites the participants reported at age 15 or 16 and how much they utilized medical or social benefits during their early 20s. The authors conclude, “Adolescents with multisite musculoskeletal pain are at substantially increased risk of health and social difficulties into young adulthood. Identification and interventions for these adolescent problems could alleviate this risk and be a sound socioeconomic investment.”
European Journal of Pain, July 2017
Researchers assessed the severity of symptoms and medication use of 103 former smokers with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) and found that the severity of CRS decreased to the levels of nonsmoking CRS patients over the course of about ten years. The former smokers also saw an improvement in the severity of symptoms, medication usage, and quality-of-life over that time span. The findings may provide motivation for smokers to stop smoking.
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, July 2017
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Ryan Jeffery, D.C.
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