Week of: Monday, November 13th, 2017
Courtesy of:Among a sample of 364 ischemic stroke survivors, researchers found that those with a history of depression experienced worse function and cognitive outcomes.
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, November 2017
According to a new study, the rate of childhood obesity has massively increased around the world since 1975. Overall, researchers found that childhood obesity rates jumped from just under 1% in the 1970s to nearly 6% for girls and almost 8% for boys in the present day, with rates at 20% or greater in the United States, Egypt, and some Polynesian islands. This means that 50 million girls and 74 million boys around the world are currently obese, which places them at risk for serious health problems both now and during adulthood. Study author Dr. Leanne Riley writes, “The trends show that without serious, concerted action to address obesity... the health of millions of people will be needlessly placed in great jeopardy, leading to immense human and economic costs to communities.”
The Lancet, October 2017
Not eating enough leafy green vegetables may take a toll on the heart health of teens. In this study, researchers monitored the physical activity, diet, and heart health of 766 teens and found that those who seldom ate vitamin k-rich foods, such as spinach and lettuce, had a three-times greater risk for an enlarged left ventricle (a pumping chamber in the heart) than adolescents who regularly consumed leafy greens. An enlarged left ventricle increases the risk for hypertension in adulthood and can lead to impaired heart function.
Journal of Nutrition, October 2017
Norwegian researchers reviewed the exercise habits and depression risk of 34,000 men and women and found that those who engaged in just an hour of exercise per week, of any intensity, had a 44% lower risk for developing depression than did not exercise at all.
American Journal of Psychiatry, October 2017
The results of a questionnaire completed by 528 office workers indicate that such individuals frequently complain of neck pain (52.5%) and back pain (53%). Furthermore, the researchers found that work environment variables that significantly affected musculoskeletal pain include sitting at the desk for a long time, sitting on a chair that only supported the lumbar area and arms, having the computer mouse positioned a distance from the keyboard, continuously looking down while working, holding the arms above the level of the desk, not exercising daily, and having a stressful work environment. The study shows that improving ergonomics and reducing stress could potentially lower the risk of musculoskeletal pain in the office environment.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine Environmental Health, October 2017
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer among men. Symptoms include the following: difficulty initiating urination; weak or interrupted urine flow; and frequent urination, especially at night. Men who experience these symptoms should see their primary care provider as soon as possible.
Food and Drug Administration, October 2017
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Ryan Jeffery, D.C.
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